The “Fast Path” programme

The “Fast Path” programme

TTA Techtra participates in the “Smart Growth” Operational Programme,
Measure 1.1 “R&D projects of enterprises”
Sub-measure 1.1.1 “Industrial research and development works carried out by enterprises”.


Title of the project implemented:

“Development of technologies for large-area autonomous gas detectors of ionising radiation, including cosmic radiation”.


Request for proposal of 20 May 2016

Dear Sir/Madam,

In connection with the planned implementation by TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER AGENCY TECHTRA SP. Z O.O. of the project under Sub-measure 1.1.1 of the Smart Growth Operational Programme “Industrial research and development works carried out by enterprises” of the Smart Growth Operational Programme for 2014-2020 called “Development of technologies for large-area autonomous gas detectors of ionising radiation, including cosmic radiation”, we are asking for an offer for the contract subject described below.

Offer documentation:

  1. Request for proposal
  2. Offer form
  3. Information on the outcome of the proceedings

TTA Techtra is looking for a person who will join the existing R&D team in order to implement the project “Development of technologies for large-area autonomous gas detectors of ionising radiation, including cosmic radiation”.
Planned involvement is 5 months as a contract job [Umowa Zlecenie]. All information can be found at:
Please contact us.

29 November 2017: : Resolve of the competition and the results posted on the website

TTA Techtra has announced a competition for the supply of technological material as part of the implemented project “Development of technologies for large-area autonomous gas detectors of ionising radiation, including cosmic radiation”.
All information can be found at:
Please contact us.

29 November 2017:Resolve of the competition and the results posted on the website

Please contact us.

2 December 2017:Resolve of the competition (no offers) the results posted on the website:

TTA Techtra has announced a competition for the supply of technological material as part of the implemented project “Development of technologies for large-area autonomous gas detectors of ionising radiation, including cosmic radiation”.
All information can be found at:
Please contact us.

21 January 2018:Resolve of the competition (no offers) the results posted on the website:

Please contact us.

2 December 2017:Resolve of the competition (no offers) the results posted on the website


Industrial research and development works carried out by enterprises – so called “Fast Path”:

The aim of the measure is to increase the innovativeness of Polish enterprises through the use of the results of R&D works in the business activity conducted. It is a continuation of the activity carried out as part of the competition 1.4 from the Innovative Economy Operational Programme.

Addressees of competitions in the so-called “Fast Path” are entrepreneurs who meet the criteria of micro, small and medium enterprises. They can apply for co-financing of projects, covering the implementation of industrial research or development works on technological solutions and products for the development of the business activity conducted and strengthening of their competitive position, provided that the project subject will be a solution that fits in the so-called “National smart specialisation”.

A list of positively evaluated applications placed on The National Centre for Research and Development website can be downloaded HERE.

Information on the support received as part of the Programme has been made public, including during speeches:

  • CERN – European Organization for Nuclear Research, Geneva, Switzerland, – RD51 Collaboration Conference February, 2017 – DOWNLOAD THE FILE
  • International Trade Fair Hannover Messe 2017, Hanower, April 2017r. – DOWNLOAD THE FILE
  • CERN – European Organization for Nuclear Research, Geneva, Switzerland, – RD51 Collaboration Conference, September, 2017 – DOWNLOAD THE FILE
  • CERN – European Organization for Nuclear Research, Geneva, Switzerland, – GEM Phase 2 R&D meeting, October 2017 – DOWNLOAD THE FILE

Information on the support received as part of the Programme has been made public, including during conferences: