Project “Internationalisation of Wrocław companies from the modern technology sectors”

Project “Internationalisation of Wrocław companies from the modern technology sectors”

TTA Techtra participates in the Regional Operational Programme of the Lower Silesian Voivodeship 2014-2020
Priority axis 1 “Enterprises and innovations”
Measure 1.4 “Internationalisation of enterprises”
Sub-measure 1.4.2 “Internationalisation of enterprises – Integrated Territorial Investments of the Wrocław functional area (ZIT WrOF)”
Sub-measure 1.4.2 B Increasing the international expansion of SMEs by implementing new business models and increasing the expansion into external markets. Projects related to establishing and maintaining business contacts and promotion of enterprises in domestic and international markets – implementing Enterprise export development/ internationalisation plans


Title of the project implemented:

“Internationalisation of Wrocław companies from the modern technology sectors”


The aim of the measure is to increase international SME expansion by implementing new business models and increasing expansion into external markets regarding establishing and maintaining business contacts as well as promoting enterprises in domestic and international markets – implementing Enterprise export development/ internationalisation plans.

A list of positively evaluated applications can be found on the website – read more.